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Monday, October 4, 2010

My First Encounter with a Troll

Another example of a troll: (This is a true story by the way) When I was going to a college football game (the season opener for your info), I took an electric train to reach the area. Upon reaching there, outside the station, were many people "asking" for tickets. I understood that these people were people who wanted to attend the game but could not due to the lack of a ticket. Then as I looked closer, I noticed a wad of tickets in all of their hands or shirt pockets. This was my first encounter with a troll. My brother was revealed that these people were trolls by his friend, a possibly greater troll than anyone could have imagined. Apparently, the city which we were at, did not allow the "selling" of tickets outside the game so as a result, these peddlers resulted to using trollism. They were selling tickets but were playing a practical joke on those who did not understand their successful troll.