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Sunday, February 19, 2012


I connect with you at a deeper level that you wouldn't understand.

Is that true? Because im sure that if that were true then we never really connected as I never understood the necessary connection. In other terms im a god damn goblin. I aspire for you to be too. Maybe the pc company acer does too since they want you to aspire and I want you to aspire too.
Many say I just play a character but that's not true I don't play anyone. Except everyone but myself because its fun to mess with people unless they're the really sweet type that you hate yourself for after messing with them. See the sentence that I started this post off with? Look how that's came this far. I find that funny and hard to believe but I connected with you at a deeper level that required your understanding to read so I contradicted everything I said. Anyways like I said, I love messing with people and I love everyone. Have a good one guys.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Yeah here we go again

Me being the tired lazy person I am, found it much difficult to write a new article but then as the bored and guy without a life, I made my way to doing this. Hello people, this is a bear. My articles are good because you know they are but you are probably reading this thinking, "What a fag, this guy isn't a bear and he just ran out of stupid ideas about trolls." Well me insulting myself, you would expect from me a response justifying against that. I say no. Now enjoy reading some more retarded material. For awhile I have begun to realize that people don't understand some of the stuff I write and so here is my response to them: "Yeah okay, learn to read this isn't like collegiate level reading that requires deep investigation to understand." Then their response is like "Well.. you too." This is the reason I don't recommend people without brains to read this. Alright readers, I think I've kept you hooked onto my cheese of black burger too long. Now go watch some Cailliou, PBS was really smart putting a kid with Leukemia on kids television.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Penguin + Cat = ?

I have always pondered this question of what would happen when a penguin mated with a cat and produced an offspring. Recently, one of my friends, told me they had access to such a hybrid creature. I was astonished that this type of creature was actually real and I jumped upon the opportunity to write about it. According to the photo from my accomplice, this cetguin (cat+penguin=cetguin?) seems to be more resemblant of a penguin more than anything - the fur, the black spots on white fur, the whiskers,- all seem to conclude that the penguin's dominance showed up here. I do not know if this has to do with the role of the penguin as a bird but what would really be astonishing is if this cetguin could fly.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My First Encounter with a Troll

Another example of a troll: (This is a true story by the way) When I was going to a college football game (the season opener for your info), I took an electric train to reach the area. Upon reaching there, outside the station, were many people "asking" for tickets. I understood that these people were people who wanted to attend the game but could not due to the lack of a ticket. Then as I looked closer, I noticed a wad of tickets in all of their hands or shirt pockets. This was my first encounter with a troll. My brother was revealed that these people were trolls by his friend, a possibly greater troll than anyone could have imagined. Apparently, the city which we were at, did not allow the "selling" of tickets outside the game so as a result, these peddlers resulted to using trollism. They were selling tickets but were playing a practical joke on those who did not understand their successful troll.

Sea Monkeys, Stephen Colbert, and Tall Bikes

Sea Monkeys, Stephen Colbert, and Tall Bikes,
What do they all have in common? They are all trolls.
Many of my accomplices and fellow peers do not understand the true meaning of the word troll. Even I learned it from my brother whom learned it from his friend. This knowledge must be passed on to ensure that trolls are identified. A troll, is a person who is seemingly sarcastic but is unidentifiable to the normal viewer, or rather a person thats playing a practical joke on society. It takes a skilled person, usually a master troll themselves, to find out another troll. For example, how is a Sea Monkey a troll you ask? A Sea Monkey is a troll because it is not really a monkey, nor does it live in the sea. They are small fish creatures that are aquarium pets. The creators were even bigger trolls to identify the possible troll and market upon it.

Sometime Later

I have changed the theme of my blog because I felt like it. If you do not like it leave. Hopefully, you readers are smart enough to understand the new theme of my blog as it goes on so I have decided that I do not need to explain.

S.M. Somanathan

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Failure

So I have failed in keeping my word to publish a new post every 1-2 days but that was a stretch. It's hard for a person to talk about themselves or another person that frequently in a nice, blog, way so don't yell at me (actually go ahead). Well, who cares anymore about my apology, it's not like you need to read this to live so now I have changed my word. I will post a new post approximately whenever I feel like it.